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Thessaloniki Greece... Early Years...

Thessaloniki is a young city!! More precisely, in 2009, Thessaloniki will celebrate its 2325th year of life. It was founded in the year 315 BC by Kassander, during the times when Macedonia was ruling a big part of of the known world. Cassander was a really gifted and intelligent man. The needs of the times, as well as the rapid development of Macedonia made necessary the construction of big ports. The capital of Macedonia, Pella, was a few kilometers far from Thessaloniki, and wouldonly communicate with the sea through Aksios river. Seeing those needs, Kassander constructed Kassandreia, on the first peninsula of Chalkidiki, and Thessaloniki, named after his wife, Thessaloniki, who was also Alexander the Great's sister. The location of the city was not random: It was built at the top of a small bay, surrounded by hills, taking, in this way, an amphitheatrical shape which, in comparison with the Ippodameion town planning style (straight roads, square buildings), gave to the city an uncomparable charm.

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