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the history of frappé...

Take one or two spoonfuls of instant coffee, sugar, fill a shaker or glass with one centimeter of water, shake or use a mixer, add milk if you like, complete with water and you'va got it: A Frappe... All you need now is the greek sun and a tavli... At least the sun was there when the greek representative of Nestle, back in 1957, during the International Fair of Thessaloniki had no hot water to make his coffee... So, he decided to use the shaker that his colleagues were using to prepare a kids chocolate drink. And there is was: The first Frape in history!

Frape Coffee comes either with milk or not, and is separated in three classes depending on the amount of sugar: plain, medium, sweet. It is enjoyed throughout the year, and, yes, Salonica is still the capital of frape! Tourists now tend to treat frappe with the same curiosity and taste as they do with Greek Salad and Ouzo. You can have it with ice cream or bailey's (!!) if you want!!

Frappe Coffee, although commercially not really spread abroad, can be found at some Universities cafeterias in Europe, some supermarkets in Germany, a hip-hop festival in Czeck Republic (!!), in Istanbul, and in Bucurest...

But, be careful! Frappe coffee is not like espresso... enjoy it slowly... greeks take even hours to finish it!

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